- civil engineering
- chemical engineering
- electronics
- electrical engineering
- mechanical engineering
- production engineering
- geoengineering, mining and geology
- material engineering
$360 – the applicant | $180 – applicant’s partner | $90 – applicant’s child or dependent
- application can be filed in through and ImmiAccount on dibp.gov.au,
- to apply you need to pay the visa fees,
- this visa doesn’t require health insurance,
- to apply you need to provide all the necessary documents (list below),
- for Graduate Visa 476 you can only apply from overseas,
- this visa allows you to stay in Australia for 18 months counting from the day of arrival,
- You are allowed to arrive in Australia from the moment the visa is granted (Visa Grant Notification),
- Visa 476 allows for full time work for the applicant and their partner,
- While on visa 476 you can apply for tourist visa, sponsorship visa 457 or residency.
Age: Under 31 years old
EDUCATION LEVEL: bachelor, master, post graduate or doctoral
ENGLISH: certified no more than within 3 years prior to applying (excluding COE after January 1st 2015)
IELTS: 6.0 academic, average no less than 5 in each test
TOEFL: min.64 total, min. 4 in listening, min.4 in reading, min. 14 in writing, min 14 in speaking
OET: B average and the lowest in each exam (???)
PET: 50 academic and min. 34 in each exam
CAE: 169 average and min. 154 in each exam
MEDICAL TEST: not mandatory since 20/11/2015
POLICE CHECK: A separate check for every country where an applicant spent more than 12 months in the last 10 years (for applicants over 16 years old).
OBLIGATIONS TO AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT: regulated tax and other financial obligations (including fines and tickets) from previous visits in Australia.
- passport valid for at least 6 months
- original diploma/certificate with a list of topics in Polish plus translation by an accredited translator
- certificate of English skill level
- police check
- form 1276 (online application)
- visa fee: applicant $360, applicant’s partner $180, applicant’s child or dependent: $90
- administrative fee 550 PLN
- services on site $180: airport pickup, 4 weeks accomodatiob, Tax File Number, bank account, Australian Business Number.